Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dear Second Baby (I've Learned Some Things)

I’m sitting in the same rocking chair I used to hold and feed your brother in. It’s classic, wooden, painted in soft yellow. It came from a distant relative and its history started somewhere in Florida, hauled to Kansas after the relative passed away, then to Colorado to your brother’s nursery. We brought it back to Florida two years ago, apparently it knew where its home is.
I've thought about getting a new one. Something bigger, softer, more modern. But I realized I don’t need a new one, I just need to modify this one a bit to make it better. I’ll get a pillow for the top, so it’s not so uncomfortable if we drift off to sleep together. I’ll find a better footstool that doesn’t leave my back aching after a thirty minute feed.

You see, I’ve learned some things.

The chair is sitting in the corner our bedroom. It’s next to a poor-man’s dresser I made out of plastic cube shelves and fabric bins that hold your tiny clothes. The other corner is for your bed. I’ve hung heat and noise blocking curtains and a bible verse print. There’s not a good space in this house for your own room so you’ll have to put up with us for awhile. I know your brother had his own, a room I spent weeks on getting just right. We brought him home and he slept in ours for four months.

You see, I’ve learned some things.

The first time around I registered for all the things to fill up all the space. Then there were the hand-me-downs, the random gifts, and we did indeed fill your brother’s room with stuff. But there were toys that were never played with, clothes never worn. I’m being more mindful this time about what you and I and we truly need.

You see, I’ve learned some things.

Yes, you will come into this world with less stuff, less space, but no less room for love